Oops, science is POWERFUL!
ENGL 390, 390H, and (sometimes) 398V Class Journal
Optional reading on terms from classical rhetoric
- Really good overview here by a communication professional
- Student quiz-card set that you might appreciate (kinesthetic appeal, for one)
- Forest of Rhetoric approach at BYU that student-above "riffs off" (search here)
- Two slide sets
- San Jose State (Hawker)
- Michigan State
Option: You could see if OWL at Purdue includes rhetoric resources.
Next: another frame of classical rhetoric is stasis theory. Owl DOES take this on. Read here, to start. This four-page PDF is a good overview of stasis theory and relies on UMD English professor emerita Jeanne Fahnestock's work (my mentor). Author? Grant-Davy, English professor at Utah State.
I use stasis theory with environmental scientists: preview here (one slide).
Today, we will look at these terms (three proofs, five canons) in two ways:
- to analyze this class journal post
- to preview our definition memo about rain gardens
Day 3!
Complete your Wikipedia entries by Monday AM for EC. In this Google Doc, post a link with your initials and write a sentence about what you did:
I added to new citations about uses of this chemotherapy to update the knowledge.
I rewrote this definition at the beginning of the article to make the concepts clearer. I know that many high school students use Wikipedia to study AP biology.
I made a stub page for pop punk music and added three iconic bands, with descriptions.
I noticed that the rain garden entry did not have hotlinks to bioremediation entries.
Feels good to front load the semester with some community-service extra credit, doesn't it?
Food for thought: Is Wikipedia authoritative?
Happy fall: welcome to 2018-2019
Look at the syllabus and course rationale to the right, on the navigation bar.
Structure and arguments
Post today.
And, two in-class exercises on 3-by-5 cards:
- Venn diagram and sketch of your arrangement
- And/But/Therefore statements (will appear in your final paper and your abstract.
Samples of ABT statements from previous classes. Slide set here for graduate students in environmental science, to see other ABT statements.