Turn in an.bib; work on audience analysis sheet
Ok! Let's go: writing the papers all between now and the end of the class. Start collecting all your documents and drafts from earlier to turn in, as part of your final folder. More on that on Monday, when you return. Please, look at your writing tendencies, both strengths and weaknesses. You will need to write a three paragraph note to me, during the first week of December, to be included in your final folder.
Last day of class in Friday, DEC. 12. Finals are December 15-20 (Monday-Saturday). You will need a draft of your final paper on that day, in class for a check of elements.
Final project and folder due to me on Thursday, December 18 by 3, in Tawes Rm: 1230. I will hold office hours mid day M, T, and W, -- that week -- for consultation on your drafts.
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