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Revision of rain garden memo session

in class today. Revision for FINAL GRADE DUE ON WEDNESDAY.

Care to know what I am up to later today?  Presenting on stasis theory to a federal agency.  I cannot share this presentation, yet, you can look at these two items.  (Not required reading but you may want to skim and learn that stasis theory is of emerging importance to scientists who work in teams to advise on policy.)

Article pdf here (go to page 20 to read my co-authored piece)

PPt slides from a MD chapter of the Ecological Society of America meeting. (This presentation makes today's webinar possible.)


For Wednesday, we will talk about the audience/context/purpose of your two-article close read/review assignment.  Do you know what a journal club is?  That is one aspect of our context. Here are two background readings on journal clubs, science, and information sharing.

Overview (Hilda Bastian's blog at PloS)

Piled Higher and Deeper -- a webcomic's take on journal clubs


Posted on Monday, October 5, 2015 at 06:43AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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