One last thing
by email to me:
Send by mid day on Monday:
Citation approach (formal or natural language, either throughout the document or by sections)
AND, read this link about Randy Olson's approach to summarizing your main message. Send me your AND-BUT-THEREFORE MAIN MESSAGE.
Here is mine, for my research:
Scientists in environmental teams must research carefully within their content expertise using discipline-specific methods AND communicate well across their silos of knowledge. BUT, this communication is just the beginning of advising for environmental policy because stakeholders and policymakers do not always understand scientific communication. THEREFORE, stasis theory from classical and modern rhetoric -- combined with q-sorting from social sciences -- can help environmental teams communicate relevent, complex science for rational environmental problem solving.
Turn in your folder and paper to me in TAWES 1230 by Wednesday, 3 PM. I will be in on Monday and Tuesday, between 11-1, and then 12 to 3 on Wednesday. BRING FOLDER TO ME DURING THOSE TIMES. DO NOT DROP OFF OFF TO PWP OFFICE. Staff cannot handle the number of folders (80 instructors/160 sections/3,000 students!).
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