Wednesday! Chilly out
Lots to do and we are juggling three writing assignments now:
- revision of your rain garden definition memo: DUE FOR A FINAL GRADE on Monday, 23rd. In-class revision session on Friday. Bring your digital and marked copy for consultation.
- thinking/drafting your recommendation memo on green coffee cup memo (we need a POLICY here) We begin this next week, with draft of memo for peer review DUE ON FRIDAY/FINAL VERSION due MONDAY, MARCH 2.
- reading critically your two articles to prepare for assignment 3, the close review. We will be drafting this document in sets of paragraphs during the first two weeks in March. Think one or two paragrahs per class session. More on that next week.
Notes on the rain garden memo revision, to be discussed in class.
Picking up earlier material (reposting the links here, for you, as a weaving of content) that we did not talk about or needs more discussion:
And, on to paragraphs:
More on revising the rain garden memo:
- word choice
- citation conventions in science/technical writing based on APA or author-date conventions
- shape of the document and paragraph size (cognitive wedge)
- progressive arrangement (stasis-driven paragrah types)
- direct topic sentence structure
- empty subjects
- there is (no there allowed in this document revision)
- there are
- It (no its allowed in this document revision)
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