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Peer review of coffee cup memo

Do not listen to this, unless you are willing to deal with the tune cootie or ear worm (what the Germans call this).  However, do keep in mind while you are writing about the LEGO principle of subjects-verbs.


Here is a cautionary guide for brief discussion. This document only makes sense if you come to class. In other words, this document is not a checklist.

How to evaluate your memo before you turn in?  These qualities guide us:

  • logos, pathos, ethos
  • arrangement of paragraphs
  • sentencing skill
  • topic sentences as a cognitive thread; attention to transitions between paragraphs
  • transitions, with strategic use of first person voice to reveal your analysis and assumptions
  • good summary of both Hocking and Moore work, with logos of detail (quantifiers)
  • ethical stance revealed about begining and closing of memo
    • revealing your pre-analytical assumptions regarding the two huge, overarching environmental problem (which problem do you state as your weight in this analysis?)
    • acknowledging toward end (recommendation para ending or your polite first person closing) the reasonableness of the other position

Caution:  some of you are still citing every sentence when summarizing and paraphrasing sources.  Please do not do this.  The ethos revealed is that of a worried high school sophomore, not that of a confident scientist and professional. 


Lego Lady to remind you about, ta dah! the Lego principle. Make your own at the MiniMizer site.


Posted on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 07:28AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | Comments Off