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Rain garden revision for final grade due on WEDNESDAY

Did you rework some nominializations?  Here we go:

  • Checklist!
  • Topic sentences/transitions sentences 
    • S-V early, let detail trail
    • S-V together (the Lego Principle; something fun here, approaching the zombie approach)
    • NO ITs in the document, period. Why?  Practicing clarity with pronoun references.
  • No there is/there are AND its is the subject position.  Empty subject guide here.
  • Discussion guide in class here, for some samples/elements of rain garden revision.
  • Signal phrasing to make clear what information in a paragraph comes from the author-date parenthetical citation. Do not ASSUME that a parenthetical cite at the end of the paragraph covers the entire paragraph.  Read this.
    • According to the Biorention Manual of Prince George's county.....
    • The "bible" of rain garden design is the Bioretention Manual (Prince George's Country, MD). This guide from Fairfax County, VA is a short summary of that work.....According to this summary....
    • Signal phrasing can also be accomplished by the ethos presentation of Davis in the beginning of the evaluation/research reporting paragraph.
Posted on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 06:32AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | Comments Off