Welcome to ENGL 390
for spring 2017. Here are the readings for the first week.
John Bohannon (molecular biology)
Created “Dance Your PhD” contest (exercise in public audience communication). Here is the 2016 winning piece on biomedical invention. He explains more about why dance as a “text” for communicating complexity to lay people in this >
TED method on a talk using dancers instead of Power Point (Here is the talk, in 11 minutes)
Blogs at Science Magazine, including this really important fake paper experiment that exposed trouble in peer review/open access publishing.
Katharine Hayhoe (atmospheric scientist)
Part of her public communication of science is to reach a resistant audience about climate change. She uses many venues, including Youtube and Vimeo, as well as an excellent
facebook page. Heyhoe really understands her audience, which is why she is rather successful in keeping this conversation civil and ongoing.
Her “Global Weirding” YouTube channel is a series worth looking at.
Read more about her work at the Slate Bad Astronomer blog by scientist Phil Plait.
Randy Olson (marine biologist and filmmaker)
Uses narrative structures from filming -- including storyboard analysis from South Park episodes -- to help scientists tell stories.
Developed the ABT( AND BUT THEREFORE) technique for scientists. If you check out this twitter feed, you will find that Dave Tilley tweets. MEES’ Bill Dennison reviews Olson’s latest book: Houston, We have a Narrative
For next week, think about ABT statements. Start with this slide set with real examples from thesis/dissertation proposal documents in environmental science. Note, in these examples, ABT structure organizes complex paragraphs.
Back to the simpler ABT statement: more examples, including some funny ones.