Better image here!
Thank you for good class discussion today, Monday. I revised the popplet here (best viewing if you open in another tab on your browser or download the PNG image.
Start writing! You should be able to write your three-seven definitions now, in a paragraph or two. Using bullets can work as can bolding. Keep in mind that you may deploy them in the Cool Things paragraphs of your MIDDLE or body section.
Do you have a list of your Cool Things items, say three to five?
- beginnings and endings
- metadiscourse to bind your review (examples)
- Before we turn to the key poultry capture findings in Mozafari and Shea, let's review a few definitions...
- Reviewing these important background concepts here will make for easier reading of Jones' essential findings on gamma ray detection....
- what do do in the Critical Analysis? Look at methods, experiment design, or sample sizes? Ask if this work is theoretical (thought experiment) or either an experimental study or an observational study.
- Stat analysis? Know what stats are being used. Fisherian inference? Multivariate? Bayesian? Refresh yourself on those items. Wikipedia is a good place to start. Many of you will need to know these two:
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