Guidance tip sheet
for article review work here in Google Doc. Build a checklist in this Google sheet here.
Think about how the human voice (first person and second person voice) can both bind your document into coherence and also transition through the complex volume of material:
- Before we look at Guerro's work, let's review a few key definitions....
- Now, let's turn to selected findings in this review article...
- I have selected four important elements in Kaspari's work for your consideration...
- I suggest for further reading...
Also, think about counting out, as a transition element:
- Three aspects of Kirschenbaum's research are important for orthopedic surgeons:
- First,
- Next,
- Second,
- Finally. . .
And, what does this remind you of? We will work through this handout on the "witch topic.".
Slides here that review what we talked about on Friday. Will be important as you think through the final project.
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