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Structure for definition memo

Define rain gardens (definition paragraph that is simple -- previews form and function)

Illustrate what the rain garden looks like; how the technology works (ellaborated definition)

  •  storm water problem
  • bioretention solution (in part)

Categorize rain gardens as a kind of low impact development (categorizing paragraph places knowledge within the discipline and hierarchy)

  • who, when, where
  • low impact development replaces or is adjunct to traditional piped stormwater system

 Document the effectiveness of rain gardens (evaluation paragraph -- good or bad?)

  • do they work?  Yes.  Use Davis as evidence
  • are they cost effective?  Yes, use one statement (here you make a claim and support with one piece of evidence


Source documents for you:

EPA Case study (missing some links!)

UMD Davis, et al study

Bioretention Manual of Prince George,s Country, MD

Low Impact Development Organization (Trustworking advocacy group)

Need more information?  Poke around this Scoop It exhibit.

Posted on Monday, February 6, 2017 at 07:37AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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