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For Friday, we need to settle on a topic proposal

be prepared in class, with this format:

Working Title




Document type

Last semester's projects here.


Now, document design of your review. This is version is a cautionary tale for discussion at what will we aim at. Hint: google docs IS TERRIBLE AT DESIGN.  MS WORD is better.  Sort of. Here is a checklist for what needs to happen in this assignment.

You will need three or four images for Monday; bring them as jpgs.  Candidates?

  • journal cover 
  • web logo from journal site
  • image of lead authors (NEED evidence of permission)
  • visuals from the articles
  • quotes from article designed into a pull quote
  • useful figure from government or open access website

Designed, revised article review due on Friday, April 28.


Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 06:17AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

Helping Women in Africa Avoid HIV

Audience: Members of the medical community. Actually anyone that is interested.

Context: HIV is very prevalent in sub-saharan africa among women of reproductive age. A new invention combines the contraceptive powers of the nuvaring with a chemical that intervenes with HIV's mechanism. (anti-retroviral drug). Current antiretroviral treatments are insufficient and commonly fail.

Purpose: Increase awareness of new treatment that can help thousands if not millions.

Document type: Medical seminar paper
April 21, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPriyanka Anisetti

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