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Reading and writing science

Let's look at this recent article in PloS One about writing scientific prose. In Science, two scientists talk about how they read articles. Ruben writes with a somewhat lighthearted approach while Pain responds to his piece with her approach. Read the comments.

We will talk about what type of article you have:  research article, literature review, meta-analysis, proof, proof-of-concept, specialized application, method, opinion or memoir.

Here is the "bible" of writing (and reading) scientific prose:  Mayfield. Now, let's look at the basic parts of the IMRAD article using this guide.

By the end of class, you should know what kind of article you have AND a sense of the research question and associated hypotheses guiding the work. 


Posted on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 06:13AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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