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Office hours until the end

Friday, 11-3, with noon interuption.  Best to email me if you show up to Tawes Rm 1230 or come upstairs to the faculty lounge.  I will leave the gathering to meet with you.

Monday-Wednesday:  11-1

Thursday 11-3.  3 is when I pack up and leave with all the papers.  

Good luck on FINALS!

Also, here is a link to a qualtics-platform survey about the class.  I would appreciate your time to fill this out. Just to be clear:  I will not see the results until long after grades are posted.  We use this information both for personal revision of the class, as well as broader analysis of the PWP courses.  Note, that the Course Eval work that campus emails you about is NOT the same as this survey.  Ideally, you will fill out both of these instruments.  I realize that you are all quite busy and distracted. Yet, your contribution to these data sets is important. Thank you for doing this.


Posted on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 02:27PM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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