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Day 2: first dip into the stasis theory pool

MONDAY IS A HOLIDAY.  You will have ample time to read the syllabus and syllabus rationale documents (links to the right side of web page).  

First, let's think about questions.  For the moment, we will not discuss scientific method but I want you to keep that essential cognitive frame in the background. Now, some resources to present stasis theory:

  • Purdue Owl exhibit (note the four steps) READ THIS FOR WEDNESDAY!
  • M.C.'s slides (only available in class) on applying stasis method to thinking/writing (five steps) 
  • C.M + MbS article on applying stasis in interdisciplinary science communication for policy (five steps) READ THIS FOR WEDNESDAY!
  • Using stasis theory to organize an essay answer for science classes: what is sucralose?

Vocabulary for the meta discourse -- accountable talk -- for this class includes stasis theory, scientific method, and these rhetorical terms:

Read these rhetorical term links by Friday.  Be sure to check out the syllabus link to the right ->






Posted on Friday, September 1, 2017 at 06:34AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | Comments Off