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Friday; going long and wide with revision

For all of next week, bring a digital copy of your memo to class.  Using this rain garden memo checklist (spreadsheet), we will consider a number of items.  Recall that we are relearning many writing techniques -- and thinking frames -- in addition to learning some writing/document design conventions.

Here are some items I gathered from a close read of all your documents.

For next week, I will find and post over the weekend an authoritative source for cost-electiveness.  We will also consider the differences between written memos (more formal) and email memos (mashes up letter and memo format).

Also, you may want to look at these curated articles (Scoopit) to find two visual examples of rain gardens.


Posted on Friday, September 22, 2017 at 07:47AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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