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Day 3 Monday Terms/Vocab

First some class business:

  1. Sign up for our GroupMe site here.
  2. For Friday, browse this slide set and pick three favorite visuals.  Be prepared to talk about your selection criteria.
  3. For your three visuals, identify the category.  Some are obvious to us.  Others may require some consultation in class or sleuthing.  This task is one that you could try out on GroupMe.

For example, at least one of our visuals is a Sankey Diagram.

I like the name of a category of charts that uses a metaphor: swim lane charts.  Can you imagine what they look like? Speaking of swiming, here is a visual metaphor for how we organize the class. Taken from Trevor Mackenzie.


Posted on Monday, January 29, 2018 at 08:27AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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