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Week 10: toward one more draft/editing sesh

Some resources for us (Google docs):

  • What does this look like, with notes (lorum ipsum+celery flow chart+annotated comments
  • Last year's OHitS/AMA (Q&A about this memo just BEFORE turning in for grade)

Today, I chain back to pick up a few grammar/puntuation lessons from an earlier week.  You can find them  at the end of Week 8: Update on Friday, October 21, 2022 at 07:55AM

  • That which (takes a comma)
  • Alot v a lot

On Wedneday we will look at semicolon/colon. And, anything else in this space.

Few craft choices I will emphasize today:

strategic use of YOUR voice within the memo (not just the polite first-person opening and closing paras

counting out in complex or long paragraphs

three cup choices, two of them disposal

four stages of LCS (origin/materials, transport, use, disposal)

both of the long paras where you summarize the Moore or Hocking peer reviewed research articles can be best handled by dividing into parts (your LCA paragraph is a transition to this work and sets you up to count).  

HINT: use the stage names as part of your counting out.  This is a named counting categories strategy.

Be safe tonight, ok?


Posted on Monday, October 31, 2022 at 06:13AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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