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Week 5: rain garden memo refinement

Hello!  Do not forget that tonight is the due date for YOUR responses to what your peer partners posted in the first task in Eli Review. Questions? We will chat briefly in class based on what you wish to ask. I think that you are all wondering about how chunk details into which paragraph, rignt?

One of Aristotle's canons for writing is ARRANGEMENT (of paragraphs, chapters, sections, etc.). The order and "chunking" of information matters very much for reader cognition and receptivity to what you write.  This care in arranging information for the audience is also part of the cognitive wedge strategy.  Another way to think about this is the given-new contract to help ensure clarity and coherence for readers.  Look at this discussion on Given-New. (read three pages of this). Read for Wednesday.  Now on to the citation style I spoke about. We are using natural language style aka sentencing citation aka journalism style.  We attribute by using signal phrases and curated links.  Hypertext is our friend!

Introducing a key phrase for referral links is a way to cite:  

According to .....  

Other positions? Do you remember the embellishement discussion in a sentence handout earlier?

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet -- according to Rachel Ray --  gummi bears donut liquorice. Pie sugar plum fruitcake donut marshmallow halvah lollipop cheesecake. Pastry danish chocolate cupcake pie muffin carrot cake oat cake.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears donut liquorice. Pie sugar plum fruitcake donut marshmallow halvah lollipop cheesecake, according to Rachel Ray. Pastry danish chocolate cupcake pie muffin carrot cake oat cake.

Other signal phrases to anchor what you write into sound sources that you link with curation

You can find this rain garden construction information here in a short web exhibit hosted by the University of Maryland rain garden guide.

In a recent study, Davis found that. . .

Numerous studies by Davis and others affirm. . .

This design guide includes. . .


Polite first-person opening.

P1 -- NO CITATION NEEDED as is simple common knowledge of a well established technology

P2 -- You can build your ethos by including references in natural language to help your reader trust you as well as find additional sources that the reader chooses:

Marybeth noted that both Prince Georges' County and the University of Maryland played key originating roles in developing this technology, as well as evaluation this technology.  As you know, she is a  trained botanist.

The Wikipedia "rain garden" entry is quite good, however, the "history" section misattributes the inventor to Dick Brinker.  Actually, according to a conversation with Marybeth, Larry Coffman......

P3 -- for details on plants and soil layers USE THE first PDF guide  and/or the P.G County Bioretention Manual, but curate the links as in P2 and other other examples I gave. Readers hate to be sent to large PDF w/o warning.

P4 -- Use a formal citation style for the engineering curriculum material as Davis is a co-author.  Recall here that you are using a short, open access standing for a paywalled peer review piece by Davis.  Our boss cannot find/access on her smart phone under this meeting deadline.

Gathering of sources discussed thus far:


TLDnR?  Use curated referral citation links that Jane can refer to LATER.  Or, she can forward that email to a contact she meets in the meeting.

Use a formal citation for the Davis paragraph? Why, we are making a claim!

On Wednesday, we will look at varations of the memo.  And, talk about empty subjects in sentences and how to revise them away (craft lesson).

On Friday, you post the second draft for peer work.

Next week? Rain garden meme is due for a grade.

What topic is up next? Jane asks: what disposable coffee cup is best for the environment? Paper or styrofoam. The governor wants to know. 

Posted on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 07:17AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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