Week 12: taking stock of your close-read review NOW
What shape is your document now?
Documents have beginnings, middles, and ends. For this work, think LEMON-shaped or PEAR shaped.
Beginning: 1-3ish paragraphs that prepare the reader to understand and trust the center portion of your analysis (three or four body paragraphs). Use a cognitive wedge strategy aka "lemon nipple." Think:
- Opening (see the seven strategies -- you can combine them,
- Ethos of lead author (some sample language below),
- Definitions/descriptions or backgrounds, which is largely common knowledge. You can use
- bullet strategy
- consider an audience-friendly referral sentence or two (use your words; not a link, as we need to imagine this as a presentation setting and not a hyper linked document).
Middle: 3-4ish body paragraphs. Start with one paragraph per point BUT you may need to divide complex material into two shorter but connected (by transition) paragraph. These are your larger paragraphs. You MAY need to nest small definitions -- use the appositive technique -- near the material.
End: In the LEMON-shape, you taper off, with some useful information or thoughts for closing. For example, brief critique about stats (this is hard and will NOT count against your work grade-wise), applications, further line of inquiry, implications for society. In the PEAR-shape closure, you use several small paragraphs to describe implications of this research.
Friday's Eli Review task would be a place to:
Audition beginning elements like your
- 1+1 opening hook, aka two strategies of the seven opening moves
- ABT statement, which can be part of the first paragraph or stand alone as a transition to the body paragraphs
- What terms will you define and how (bullets can be an option) and
- might you use a punting referral link
- the first author ethos paragraph
List your three to five possible take aways and poll reader interest (fat middle portion of the fruit!)
Tentatively identify the stats note work
Identify the study type
Note the stats used
AND, borrow what the authors say about these tests against bias
Reveal your behind/end (I crack myself up) and tell the shape of your ending, with a possible take away
Next step
ETHOS para detail: Citation/ethos/introduce your lead researcher: in class, we will talk about the conventions of citation in a close read of an article. Basically, the steps are:
- first mention, full name (in the ethos paragraph that also introduces the article).
- (author, date)
- last name throughout
- Example: Marybeth Shea is a professor of technical writing at the University of Maryland. She studies stasis theory in environmental policymaking. Her research article appears in the Journal of Conservation Biology and is the subject of this review (Shea, 2014). Then, in rest of document, refer to the work using the last name:
- Shea's approach...
- Her findings...
- What Shea's inference fails to account for...
- WILD CARD: what if you cannot find the author. TBD
- What supports the ethos is the underlying process of peer review publication. Can you examine the journal's ethos?
Finally, phrases that you can use throughout the document to propel your analysis to the end.
Before we look at Patel's work on food additives, let's review a few key definitions.
You can read more about polyphenols and oxidative stress at the open pages of the Nutrician Society of the US.
Let's turn now to Suarez's use of bioplastics in 3-D printing applications for oyster restoration. First, Suarez describes....
A second key take-away from Cummings' analysis of ankle joint morphology concerns wear and tear on patellar (kneecap) interior surfaces.
The first two points from Mozafari's cardiac perfusion study strongly support her conclusion concerning injectable medications administered in the field, while enroute by ambulance.
Most bioretention specialists will appreciate the specific findings about nitrogen uptake by hedgerows. This knowledge is important for farmers seeking mixed benefits from using plants as flexible "green tech": windbreaks, shade for energy conservation, screening from neighbors, and for sinking nitrogen into the soil, out of the airshed.
Wonderful ABI statements to discuss from optional ELi Review work. Google doc round-up here.
Now, how about thoughts on wrapping up your article review, with patterns for your re-use and re-mix. Start with this section of the MU Academic Phrasebank.
These findings suggest that …
It can therefore be assumed that the … WHAT WOULD MbS SUGGEST HERE?
An implication of this finding is the possibility that …
One of the issues that emerges from these findings is …
Some of the issues emerging from this finding relate specifically to …
The results of this observational study suggest that X may help prevent …
This is an important issue for future research.Research questions that could be asked include …Several questions remain unanswered at present.Despite these promising results, questions remain.Additional research is needed to better understand the …A further study with more focus on X is therefore suggested.There is abundant room for further progress in determining …Future studies on the current topic are therefore recommended.Further work is needed to develop reliable analytical methods for …To develop a full picture of X, additional studies will be needed that …In future investigations, it might be possible to use a different X in which …Further studies, which take these variables into account, will need to be undertaken.
These paragraph types fit with the ending portion of your document:
- Stats note (not graded)
- Critical comment by you (plus a variation on this to be discussed)
- Final paragraph (s)
- Lemon document is more restrained with focus on the field and light commentary for world
- Pear document noted field implications and larger commentary for world
Happy Friday. You have an Eli Review task due tonight. Be on time for each other! Your halo of grace is until about noon on Saturday. Then, I write a review task prompt based on what I see in your entries.
Let's review briefly sentence work. Here is another handout that can help us be deliberate about subject placement in sentences and paragraphs: The Red Ridinghood / Jonah + Whale Handout (Two-pages, Google document) is a way to think again about narrative patterns in writing, even science writing. Recall that ABT from South Park via Randy Olson is another narrative pattern. Narrative patterns are perhaps the most powerful way to achieve flow for your readers. Cognitive support to readers is a writer's ethical duty. Knock-on benefit for writers is that you will likely understand the concepts more deeply if you work in the weeds to grow a garden of knowledge for your readers.
WRITING ABOUT STATISTICS: Visit this web exhibit at OWL Purdue. Be sure to click into the sub-categories. Just reading about how to write this paragraph will help you think more clearly as you read your article. Pair the OWL exhibits with this "Reporting Findings" page at MU. Here are a few samples I offer to you as ways forward in this difficult thinking+writing task.
From the study overview chart labeled Fig.7, we can see that the greatest demand for local poultry production is the Metro DC area. i
From Shea's data displays, we can see that Treatment Plot !2a resulted in the lowest amount of ammonia …
This summary Table 14 reveals several ways for farmer practices that reduce ammonia. First, unlike the other tables, Table 14 is directed at farmer feeding strategies that...
From the regression analysis detail in Figure 9, we can see that spring and summer are the months that require additional ammonia controls to prevent...
DEFINITION WORK: This image to the right is a reminder to you that you can pay attention to your definition strategies. Note that you have two places to place them!
- As part of the three or four paragraph cognitive wedge and/or
- Localized -- think nested -- short definitions within your body paragraphs.
I have not spoken re localised or nested definitions yet. BUT the point is that you might place very small definitions within your body paragraphs to help the reader in the location of the fat part of the document.
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