Being a chemist. Oops, science is POWERFUL!

ENGL 390, 390H, and (sometimes) 398V  Class Journal


For Friday, we need to settle on a topic proposal

be prepared in class, with this format:

Working Title




Document type

Last semester's projects here.


Now, document design of your review. This is version is a cautionary tale for discussion at what will we aim at. Hint: google docs IS TERRIBLE AT DESIGN.  MS WORD is better.  Sort of. Here is a checklist for what needs to happen in this assignment.

You will need three or four images for Monday; bring them as jpgs.  Candidates?

  • journal cover 
  • web logo from journal site
  • image of lead authors (NEED evidence of permission)
  • visuals from the articles
  • quotes from article designed into a pull quote
  • useful figure from government or open access website

Designed, revised article review due on Friday, April 28.


Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 06:17AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | Comments1 Comment


Review due on Monday, hard-copy, stapled, double-spaced.  NO REWRITES.  Your grade will stand.  

Bring a digital copy of your review on Monday to class, because we will reformat this document to practice simple design techniques.

Checklist, with sample prose, here.

Watch out especially for natural language citation in this assignment.  We will chat about this, as well as simple nested definitions in the body paragraphs, as needed.

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2017 at 06:34AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

Review, some phrase pointers, and etc.

Memoir links, for your pleasure:

NAS science memoir series

For pre-meds, read this on shamans and doctors

Plant scientists might like this on trains and photosynthetic bacteria

Memoir-like, James Sylvester Gates interview from On Being.

Will be a memoir eventually.....York and Chaos Theory

Sharks and Eugenie Clark, lots of good quotes here

Finally, this wow book by Noble prize winner John Mather

Arrangement pattern for review:



Author expertise/bio

point 1

point 2

point 3



Paragraph transitions: Think pearls beaded upon a string. Think train cars coupled. This UCSB guide is helpful with words that serve nicely as transition elements.  This writing guide emphasizes the value of repeating key words as a transition strategy.  You have two approaches:  tight and loose.  One "loose" transition variation relies on meta discourse, including the counting strategy.  You also have implied.

Phrases:  stacked modifiers and dangling/misplaced modifiers. More on stacked modifiers from Grammar Girl. MF or GG also takes on misplaced or dangling modifiers: start here; then, this, for some joy to help you remember.

Let's look at a visual way to remember the dangling modifier problem. This visual is courtesy of a former student, H.S. 

Piano. from Paul Rayment on Vimeo.


Piano. from Paul Rayment on Vimeo.

Posted on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 06:36AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

Paragraph arrangement for your review

Documents have beginnings, middles, and ends.  For this work, think LEMON-shaped.  Here is a good way to arrange your analysis:

Beginning: 1-3 paragraphs that prepare the reader to understand and trust the center portion of your analysis (three or four body paragraphs).  Think:

  • Opening (recall your seven strategies -- you can combine them.)
  • Ethos of lead author
  • Definitions/descriptions or backgrounds, which is largely common knowledge. 

Middle: 3-4 body paragraphs. Start with one paragraph per point BUT you may need to divide complex material into two shorter but connected (by transition) paragraph.

End: Taper off, with some useful information or thoughts for closing.  For example, brief critique (this is hard and will NOT count against your work grade-wise), applications, further line of inquiry, implications for society.


Posted on Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 06:34PM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

Review of article underway

Guide for reading here. Copy this google do to YOUR drive and work there.  Peer review draft due next Friday. Monday, for a grade.  Work with 7-12 or so paragraphs.

  • Friday, 14
  • Monday, 17

Be thinking on your final project.  Email me ideas.  Huge amount of latitude here.  You might also find that this article review can grow into a final project.

Articles have beginnings, middles, and ends.  Think Lemon-shaped.  Interestingly, beginnings and ends have similarlties. We have a number of options; look at these seven strategies for opening.

News article openings are good for the lay audience.  Why?  Several strategies:

  • highly visual
  • interesting case
  • hook with tidbit of interesting information
  • topic (timely)

For technical audiences, open with

  • review of logos (detail of costs, population size, enormity of problem)
  • controversy
  • new application or breaking news
Posted on Friday, April 7, 2017 at 07:07AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment