FINAL PROJECT:Structures and Arguments

Beginning: hook audience with narrative, present brief definitions, propose idea/claim that people can change their "set point" of happiness to live with more ease and pleasure

Middle: use four types of research findings, adapted for a lay audience, to support this claim

End: Use two-four cases as examples to support this claim and invite participation; end with acknowledgement of the limits of this approach; suggest reading for audienc.

LOGOS: 1) data on incidence of depression and anxiety disorders; 2) brain chemistry models of mood; 3)neuro-anatomy associated with depressed mood; 4) studies on resilency; 5)documentation of positive outlook psychology strategies

PATHOS: two case studies; quotes from patients now benefiting from cognitive behavorial therapy focused on meaning

ETHOS: credibility of thinkers like James Hillman, Carol Pearson, Martin Seligman, Victor Frankl.

STRUCTURE: I will use two structures: 1) Tell a Story and 2) Illustrate a Concept

GOAL: persuade/guide about the therapeutic value of positive-outlook cognitive behavorial therapy