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More on the two-article review

DUE for peer review on Friday. DUE FOR A GRADE, hard copy and double-spaced, on MONDAY.

Here is a guide to many scientific writing principles at DOOK.  Work through this in about 45 minutes to an hour.

For your convenience, I am reposting here, the two-article review overview/key points.

We will look at some of the links from yesterday.  However, here is a that/which example that shows how important the writer's intentions are:

Sanger sequencing methods, combined with pyro-sequencing, represent a next-generation set of tools that can improve speed of DNA analysis. For pathologists who need near-instant confirmation of tumor subtype, this speed advantage supports personalised cancer treatment that begins on the operating table.

Sanger sequencing methods, combined with pyro-sequencing, represent a next-generation set of tools, which can improve speed of DNA analysis. Beckman Instruments offers prep kits for these procedures, as well as 100 hours of biostatistics consultation.



Posted on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 06:57AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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