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Friday! Turn in your review, think about directions next week

Next week we write a short but pithy document: directions.  We will do this during classtimes, largely, with peer review on Friday.  Assignment due for a grade on Monday, April 6.  Then, we turn quickly to the final project that we work on through April into May.  Last week or so, we spend time on cover letters and resumes.

We will have an opportunity to earn a second grade for the review. TBD in class.

Directions!  Two documents will help us:


  1. Assignment sheet
  2. Examples
    1. Avoiding a Cougar Attack
    2. Baking Bones of the Dead


Now, a way to remember modifier problems between an opening clause and the subject of the sentence modified by that clause.  (dangling modifier, misplaced modifier).  I wish to thank former student H.S. for this very fun video to help you remember "walking pianos":


More Friday fun:

This one, about citation:

And, one from a commerical company about PCR. The seller's ethos of fun, perhaps?

Posted on Friday, March 27, 2015 at 06:55AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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