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Directions work continued

Recall, peer review is on Friday; directions due for a grade on Monday. NO REWRITES.

One extra credit option for directions to be discussed in class: share with real audience, provide evidence to me.  Worth half a grade.

Preview of next week:  Class time will be devoted to this rewrite of your two-article review.  You will earn a separate grade.  In other words, two grades for this assignment, of equal weight.  Recall that we are now performing the UMCP-mandated assessment of your work.  Here is the (in process, by me) document you will use to 


  1. rewrite your review, basedly largely on my comments; and, then
  2. evaluate your review for me, as a preview to my evaluation.


THEN, I will assess your work in a CANVAS space. When I am done, I will open the assesment to you.  The assessment DOES NOT ENTER INTO YOUR FINAL GRADE.  However, your work in revising and self-evaluating will earn you an additional grade for the two-article review. Fair?  I think so.  This is a huge undertaking for me and a moderate one for you.  I want to link this effort into an opportunity for you to rewrite an existing assignment and learn about the primacy of revision for any document.

On Friday, we talk about finishing up the semester:


  • Final project
  • Cover letter/resume


Due to this new mandated assessment and the winter snows, we are throwing out some assignments.  

Lesson on misplaced or dangling modifiers that I tried to do last week. Think piano.  Yes. Piano.

Piano. from Paul Rayment on Vimeo.

Posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 06:43AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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