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Juggling two memos!

Peer review this Friday of your recommendation (coffee cup) memo. Due on Monday, October 5.  On that day, you should bring a digital copy of the information memo (rain garden) for in-class revision.  That revision is due for a grade on Wednesday, Oct. 7.

Due to me in email by Friday, close of day:  the two articles you will review.  One needs to be of tight focus, the other of broad focus. To be discussed in classs.

Rain garden revision:  Here is a style guide/pointers to revise your rain garden memos.  We will discuss in class today, as some of these style and use elements should be used in your coffee cup memo. Note: some of the examples are for revision! Come to class, for such discussion. 

These concision tables will be helpful to you in cutting the fat in your prose.Keep Cousin It OUT of your documents!


Posted on Monday, September 28, 2015 at 07:08AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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