Ready for your weekend of revising (rain garden) and drafting (coffee cup)
Many of you need to know about signal phases as way to be professional, ethical, precise, and careful in your citation. Read this brief guide, noting carefully the table of words and phrases at the end. The signal phrases ANNOUNCES where your cited information begins. Then, you complete the announcement by placing the author, date--parenthetical cite. Example,
According to Hocking's 1994 analysis (INSERT, SAY FIVE SENTENCES)
(Hocking, 1994)
In class, we will briefly review how to choose a signal verb that fits the research/disciplinary confidence in the claim.
Bottom line: When you place a cite in a paragraph, the location can be ambiguous in at least three ways:
- do you mean to cite on the information in THAT ONE SENTENCE?
- do you mean the cite to encompass or surround all the information that PRECEDES the citation?
- to the beginning of the paragraph?
- just select sentences?
- if you place the citation at end of paragraph, do you mean to cite
Sentence bank for the coffee cup memo:
Hocking's work, though dated, is strong support for the styrofoam cup choice. We should,, however, acknowledge that if you weight the fate of ocean plastic as more important than climate change, you would reach another recommendation. Oceanographer Charles Moore.......
Overall, I recommend paper cups for our office. I based my analysis on two criteria:
- fate of ocean plastic as the primary environmental problem, and,
- LCA to examine the existing peer-reviewed evidence.
Having described both our office problem and reviewed the way we use and dispose of hot beverage cps, let's turn now to life cycle analysis (LCA). LCA is.......The EPA provides this useful definition THREE OR FOUR SUMMARY SENTENCES THAT YOU PARAPHRASE.....then, (EPA, n.d.)
Now some humility sentences that address fairly the counter-argument:
I want to acknowledge the reasonableness of the other recommendation.
Clearly, this recommendation is limited in several ways. First, we begin with the environmental problem in our analysis.
The problems of the fate of ocean plastic and climate change are incommensurate, or without common measure.
These two problems resist a direct and definitive comparison.
Checklist! Note: you can ignore the two "purple" cells as we have not spoken about these elements but will take them up next week.
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