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Selected slides from this week

We are learning new and efficient approaches to reading science journal articles.  

  • Selected slides (six in Google presentation) on authorship conventions
  • Entire research article slides here (19-16 focus on IMRAD)

For Friday, bring your article in the format you prefer.  I want you to try to infer information about the authors from some of what we discussed.

Recall that we are not learning this information to prepare for a test; rather, we learn this to understand the complexity of knowledge construction in the sciences and how publications play a part.  To this end, I place here optional reading on two unethical practices notes (both from NIH resources):

This animation (2 1/2 minutes) highlights the discourtesy of salami slicing for readers:  make them read two articles when one would do, as well as present the findings in a fuller light. Entage is a company that supports scientists in Asian countries prepare research for English language journals.





Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 07:58AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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