Essentials for the article review assignment
Note: we are reviewing ONE ARTICLE and not two. This is a bit different from last year's assignment and what is described in the syllabus rationale. i will review the rationale over the weekend. In the meantime:
- Google doc (table) for you to take notes on your reading (copy and place on your drive or download as MSWord doc
- Assignment sheet for this document
As we did with the first two memo assignments, we will work through this assignment together. Come to class! Due around Halloween. Shall we make a checklist together? I would need more people to contribute than last time. TBD. Today, we will put a structure on the board governed by a few visual supports:
- Lemon shape of most technical articles (your review included)
- Where definitions/descriptions placement help the reader
- P1. . .P (11, 12, 13 or so)
On Monday, I will unveil the calendar of assignments to the end! Roughly:
- this review plus document design revision
- directions
- final project, which begins in earnest on November 12 or so
Now, for some Friday fun (a first author promise being broken):
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