Week 7: wrapping up coffee cup
Google Meet link!
Here is a link to the Office Hours in the Sky document from last week. Student colleague D asked that we keep this place open for questions until we turn in the memo for a final grade. Ok. I answered qeustions there, including one I added from looking at Eli Review: what about the block quote.
Upcoming: we will curate and reflect on these two assignments for inclusion in your Portfolium space provided you through campus. Why? These two documents are good writing samples that you may want to use.
Upcoming: next assignment is the close review of an article you choose. Be thinking on that.
Wondering about both types of COVID tests and holidays? Listen to this In the Bubble podcast with Andy Slavitt.
His guest for this one is Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick, CEO of Grapevine Health, who is both a medical doctor and trained in government, politics, and policy. You can speed up the listen speed, if you like, but will need to use a podcast platform like Apple Podcasts, etc.
How about a checklist for the coffee cup memo? Here, the platform is a google sheet. You will see all sorts of items we have been discussion all semester about critical thinking and craft lessons.
Here is the rolling Office Hours in the Sky google doc, open for your questions. Do we need me to host tonight between 9-10? You have an Eli Review task (will open later today) for you to place the next version of your coffee cup memo for a final round of revision. Right now, the coffee cup memo is due Friday night for a grade BUT I want to touch base with the class about the poll in groupMe, about how to place the review task date/time and then the final version (Friday+ weekend) for a grade.
Do you have an article yet? Email me with the citation, if you are not sure.
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