Week 4: rain garden memo gets real
What is the Cognitive Wedge? Consider a triangle, but now the triangle is a right triangle like an incline plane or a wooden doorstop. Readers conquer documents, especially the content. Encountering staged information by first simplicity in small sentences/short paragraphs is an ethical duty by the writer. Gradually, the complexity and volume of text is increased. Your writer climbs up, warming up with your simple two-part definition in paragraph one, with elaborated definition in the illustration paragraph three. See my storyboard? I wish we could draw on the white board but I used index cards. Read like a comic book page of panels
- hydrocarbons (oil, gasoline, and other carbon-based pollutants)
- heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium)
- nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus
Tuesday, 9-10 PM Office Hours in the Sky:AMA, a google doc where you ask me questions about the Eli Review task.
Phrases you can use with the Davis work (dealing with paywalls/triangulating in on web-base expertise):
Most of Davis' peer reviewed articles (2017, 2012) are behind paywalls. The 2017 and 2012 articles are reviews of the literature and very helpful. See my bibliography. However, useful, open-access information is available in two slide sets:
(curate the link)
(curate the link)
An open access summary of Davis' work is available at the Zanadu Rain Garden project. See this short PDF, which includes three cross sectional diagrams that emphasis the form and function approach of this low impact development technology. A longer and highly authoritative PDF is the Rain Garden, available at the Prince George's County Department of the Environment. (LINK in this sentence. You have some choices here)
Here is the google doc we looked at on Wednesday about Oxford comma use in science. P.S. The links in that google doc are worthy. Check them out. And, below? Lots of evidence about the power of this positional comma AND some limits.
To my parents, Ayn Rand and God.
To my parents, J.K. Rowling and God.
To my parents, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart.
In a newspaper account of a documentary about Merle Haggard:
Among those interviewed were his two ex-wives, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall.
These two preceding examples are from Theresa Hayden. Here is another doosie that cries out for a serial or Oxford comma.
Here is another doosie that cries out for a serial or Oxford comma.
The Times once published an unintentionally humorous description of a Peter Ustinov documentary, noting that
"highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector."
Now, to be clear, the serial comma does not always solve ambiguity problems:
They went to Oregon with Betty, a maid and a cook –
They went to Oregon with Betty, both a maid and a cook. (One person)
They went to Oregon with Betty, a maid and cook. (One person)
They went to Oregon with Betty (a maid) and a cook. (Two people)
They went to Oregon with Betty, a maid, and with a cook. (Two people)
They went to Oregon with Betty – a maid – and a cook. (Two people)
They went to Oregon with the maid Betty and a cook. (Two people)
They went to Oregon with a cook and Betty, a maid. (Two people)
They went to Oregon with Betty as well as a maid and a cook. (Three people)
They went to Oregon with Betty and a maid and a cook. (Three people)
They went to Oregon with Betty, one maid and a cook. (Three people)
They went to Oregon with a maid, a cook, and Betty. (Three people)
buying bread, jam, coffee, cream, juice, eggs, and bacon.
eating toast and jam, coffee and cream, juice, and bacon and eggs
Finally, we have a theme song to remember this punctuation convention.
And, this from S.C.
Preview for Monday? Bookending with signal phrases at the location of the referral link information.
Aliquam scelerisque eget felis sit amet tincidunt. The Low Impact Development Center, founded by rain garden inventor Larry Coffman, roin laoreet tempus sem nec placerat. Duis ut feugiat dolor. Quisque nec pharetra tellus. Phasellus vitae nulla eu ante consequat iaculis. Nullam quis imperdiet tellus, nec bibendum magna. Access these helpful LID exhibits here on the technical specifications page. Aenean iaculis suscipit elit, vel volutpat augue pharetra sed. Ut justo ipsum, accumsan sed massa et, viverra aliquam velit. Curabitur mauris elit, consequat quis pretium at, viverra porta nunc. Donec tristique, leo facilisis pharetra ultrices, according to the PG County Bioretention Manuel, felis ex blandit lectus, tempus molestie lectus nulla eget velit. Quisque ut sem ex. Cras quis accumsan metus, in gravida leo. Maecenas quis efficitur felis, sed maximus elit. The Bioretention Manual, 2007 version, is available for download as a PDF here. Caution: 267+ pages.
Both the "bioretention" and "rain garden" Wikipedia entries provide excellent overview of rain gardens and the storm water problem. Sed gravida ullamcorper urna eu feugiat. Vestibulum non eros maximus, consequat odio non, rhoncus est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed sit amet condimentum quam. Duis vitae libero ullamcorper erat lacinia mollis eget ac massa. In addition, Chesapeake Bay Program pages at the U.S EPA site provide numbers on pollutants remitted: Mauris iaculis mollis leo et varius. Morbi gravida, ex vel ornare dapibus, elit sem interdum elit, vel egestas elit purus eget purus. Duis orci ante, placerat a urna efficitur, placerat feugiat turpis. Find the EPA CBP article; cost saving summary linked here. Ut auctor mauris vel erat facilisis accumsan. Morbi posuere turpis a quam congue elementum. Quisque aliquam scelerisque eros quis eleifend.
How about using Office Hours in the Sky before the rain garden memo is due for a grade? Discuss.
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