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Day 4: sentences and paragraphs and review/preview

(Did you lose power?  I did.) Let's review some terms from rhetoric:



OK, we will weave back to talk about sentences and paragraphs.  We have a new handout on sentences.

 Pitch the Verb.


 Now paragraphs:  These visuals help us think about the importance of paragraphs in building a document.

Paragraphs/Cognitive Threading (two metaphors or visuals to help you)


Review Preview:  For Tuesday, you will need to draft paragraphs for your article review. Here is the pattern

  • This means you will develop between 7-12 paragraphs according to this rough structure, though you can rearrange some of the paragraphs to suit your preferences, relyaing on short, clear topic sentences with clear transitions between paragraphs.
    • Beginning (hook with strong opening, establish credibility of author(s), introduce context for research)
    • Middle (select three or four points to share, devoting one paragraph per point)
    • End (close with your commentary on application, controversy, idea for new research, and perhaps a limitation on the research)

Revision session: Bring digital copies of your directions and your green roof memo.


Posted on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at 07:39AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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