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Directions and document design

Document design and directions (the next assignment):

Here is a guide to planning the directions assignment. We divide the material into three sections:  front matter, the heart of the directions (numbered, ordered commands), and back matter.

Directions, like the resume, rely on "document design."  The way we arrange the material for the audience, context, and purpose is as important as the content.

Audience/Context/Purpose -- essential aspects of all documents.  In designing directions or procedures documents, think of the audience as a user more than areader.

Sample of a directions document:  Surviving a Cougar Attack

What about expanding recipies?  Consider Bones of the Dead.

.Let's look at some multi-media ways to instruct:

For Friday, please have two ideas for directions writings.  We will start them in class, working through them all next week.  Due on WEDNESDAY November 9 for Peer review and FOR A GRADE on FRIDAY, November 11.


Next up?  Redisign your two-article review, final project, and cover/letter and resume.

Posted on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 06:35AM by Registered CommenterMarybeth Shea | CommentsPost a Comment

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