Oops, science is POWERFUL!
ENGL 390, 390H, and (sometimes) 398V Class Journal
More frames for this class
all treating audience awareness (Aristotle's canon of memory). Here are some slides sets:
- Set One: ACP (Aristotle) frame
- Set Two: Relationships frame
- Set Three: Two triangles frame
Day 3 Monday Terms/Vocab
First some class business:
- Sign up for our GroupMe site here.
- For Friday, browse this slide set and pick three favorite visuals. Be prepared to talk about your selection criteria.
- For your three visuals, identify the category. Some are obvious to us. Others may require some consultation in class or sleuthing. This task is one that you could try out on GroupMe.
For example, at least one of our visuals is a Sankey Diagram.
I like the name of a category of charts that uses a metaphor: swim lane charts. Can you imagine what they look like? Speaking of swiming, here is a visual metaphor for how we organize the class. Taken from Trevor Mackenzie.
This is our class "text" -- more detail in class.
Last day! Thinking about titles
Couple of items. I will start a final project crowd sourced tip sheet. Enter your ideas/categories. I will check on the list and finish with my tips and re-organization by Friday.
Here is the other resource of guidance on your final project. Recall that office hours will be 11-1 every day until the 21st. Most people turn in their final folders between Monday 18 and Thursday 21.
Business items:
- Did you respond to the email from Scott Wible with the PWP Survey link to a Qualtics Survey about your class experience? If not, go to your official campus email to find this. This is the survey that matters the most to this class.
- You can also fill out the survey from CoursEvalUM.
- IN EITHER CASE, pay attention to the "direction" of the Likert Scale Grid.
Now, a fun item: This exists. I thought you might need to know this. And, if you do not know about the splendor of tardigrades, well, you are welcome! More such sciencey gifts are decribed at this article.
Hey, your image for dealing with finals and papers. From Richard Scarry. You got this.
Wednesday: in class reflection and Friday's post
Before you leave class today, you will need to print out a short reflection for me. Focus on REVISION, especially the last assignment of the article review, the revision into a designed document, and what you learned that you will use in the final assignment. Save a copy for yourself! Active, specific reflection is associated with improved writing for audience, context, and purpose.
What seemed most daunting about the article review assignment?
Did you write the opening late or early in the drafting process?
What meta discourse strategies did you use (first person/second person announcements/signposts, counting out)
How complex were the definition/description paragraph(s) content for your reader?
Did the GroupMe ap help you in revising this document at any stage before turning in the first version?
Did you use the two days of peer review in class to advantage or, in other words, did you just delay your writing work to that last day; Be honest, this is for science." -- says the five-fingered Count R. )
What changes to the text did you make in the revision to the designed document (length, revised ending, better transition elements)
Name two or three MS Word techniques you learned or tried in this design assignment?
Name a technique or approach that you will use in the final project document.
By Friday, please enter your Abstract/ Reader's Response post here.
Also, can you please fill out this evaluation survey for my program? You should have receieved an email and unique link to a Qualtrics Survey by now. Please check for this email and fill out the survey. Your responses will be anonymous and I will not see them until late January. These questions reflect the work in Pwp courses much more carefully than the CourseEVAL UM system. Thank you.
Start gathering your papers for your final folder submission.